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Navigating Your Space

Monday, March 23, 2020 – Philip Dodd

I’ve been remote for about one week. And it has been WEIRD!

I’m channeling my positivity today which is difficult with all the information coming our way about how the virus might progress this week and how so many people are losing their jobs. I plan to write more about those aspects later this week. Today, I’m trying to focus on what is within my control.

One of the most unexpected challenges for me working from home was how quickly the mood of my space changed. A space that was comforting is now confining.

I am an introvert. Someone who finds a lot of comfort and security in my little apartment. I use this space to find peace of mind, recharge, de-stress, and as a little creative outlet as well. But shifting to a work space with Zoom meetings and messages from coworkers while sitting in the same spot all day… the environment has changed. It’s hard to disconnect the work space from the personal space. It feels gross!

For me, this feels like such a small complaint while other people are dealing with much worse. But it impacts our daily lives and mental health.

Someone mentioned we will never understand each other’s situations completely during this time:

  • The total isolation of those of us living alone right now
  • Protecting our kids while explaining this new lifestyle… answering their questions of WHY
  • Moving in with family to be treated like children when we’ve been independent for years
  • The fear we live in if someone we love is high risk… or if we are high risk

All this while trying to maintain some mental health.

Our spaces are changing. If you’re struggling to adjust, I hear you!